< Attention Exercise: The Sound : Ahram Jeong 정아람

Copyright 2023 Ahram Jeong


Attention Exercise: The Sound, video and sound installation, dimensions variable, 2023

'Attention Exercise: The Sound' visualizes, conceptualizes, and ‘sonifies’ the eye movement datas of three platform delivery riders recorded in ‘Our Collective Eyes.’ The datas are located in left, middle, right part of screens, run for a certain time, taking turns like relay race. The gaze points and paths form a kind of constellation paired with a diversity of texts describing the world of work and labor ('work accident', 'work value', and 'work emotion’) and the synchronized trumpet sound activates our senses through its rhythm, speed, and oscillations and identifies invisible laboring bodies, as well as the complex layers and networks within/beyond them.

Data: collected from the participants of 'Attention Exercise: Our Collective Eyes' (2022)—Yiseul An (female rider in 30s, worked for 4 years), Rider A (male rider in 40s, worked for 3 years, member of Rider Union), Rider B (male rider in 40s, worked for 3 years, member of Rider Union)
Program and Sound: Sungmin Park
Installation photography: Asia Culture Center (photographer: Swan Park)